Lifetime dreams unlocked--but who holds the key to this bass-player's heart?
Jesse Davis' dreams are about to come true
He's worked his way onto the tour bus
Done his hours in backwater pubs and clubs
Now he's on the cusp of hitting the big time.
Yellow Lady is about to embark on their first US tour
And their star's firmly on the rise
But Jesse's interest has been piqued
By one sassy and unavailable, Los Angeles photographer.
Ruby Nelson is sick to death of dealing with self-seeking celebrities
When she's offered the chance to leave the LA scene
And work with an eminent reporter
She snaps up the chance
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Ruby finds herself on Jesse's tour bus
The mysterious bass player begins to shed his celebrity shell
Ruby's forced to rethink everything about the music industry, celebrity and her own fear of following her heart.
BREAKDOWN is book 3 of the King Brothers Rockstar romance series.
No rockstars (or bass players!) were harmed during the writing of this story!
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